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#OpSaveGaza 11/07/2014
Hacked by AnonGhost
Hi IsraHell , where is the security bitchs?
Greetings world we are AnonGhost
This is an urgent call for all Hackers, Human Right Organisations and Activists all around the world to unite again and start campaign against Israhell, share what is really going on there, expose their terrorist activity to the world. The act of launching rockets from Gaza sector to Israhell is an acceptable and normal reaction against those pigs, its called Resistance and not terrorism. israhell never existed its only Palestine, it's our home. If you are a Hacker, Activist, a Human Right Organisation then hack israel websites and expose to the world their crimes, show to the world how much blood is on their hands, blood of innocent children and women.
We will never remain silent against israhell war activity. Anonymous collective, all Hacker teams will join this operation inchallah and we will be the cyber resistance, the cyber shield, the voice for the forgoten people. The voice of Palestine. Fight for the right, do something, where ever you are, what ever you can do, join the cyber intifada. On 11 july 2014, israhell, you better be prepared.
Operation save Gaza...engaged. Expect us !

We are : Mauritania Attacker - Virusa Worm - AnonxoxTn - Tak Dikenal - Younes Lmaghribi - Mauritania K!ll3r - V0RT3X - Dr.SaM!M_008 - HusseiN98D - BillGate - RudeAt Localhost - Pr3d4T0r - Samir Injector - X-Wanted - X-ASS4S!N - PhObia_PhOneyz - Mauritania InjeCtor - Donnazmi - Black Cracker - Mster Tito - Extazy007 - M-c0d3r - DarkR00T - haxOr trojAn - Hamzah Uygun - TheXvirus - Hellion - CoderSec - Mrlele - Predator - Mr.Ajword - TheGame Attacker - Mr.Domoz PS - xIdontknow - rummykhan - Hani Xavi - eRRoR 7rB