
Go to Chartering


Is an activity within the shipping industry. In some cases a charterer may own cargo and employ a shipbroker to find a ship to deliver the cargo for a certain price, called freight rate. Freight rates may be on a per-ton basis over a certain route (e.g. for iron ore between Brazil and China) or alternatively may be expressed in terms of a total sum – normally in U.S. dollars – per day for the agreed duration of the charter.

Go to Ship Management

Ship Management

When a ship is purchased for importing and exporting goods, a ship management team is required to maintain and operate the vessels. The function of the management team is to provide the owner with support throughout the occupancy or charter of the vessel. vessels can range in sizes and function.

Go to Ship Agency and Husbandry

Ship Agency and Husbandry

Project cargo handling and husbanding, and ship agency services.

Go to Ship Brokering

Ship Brokering

A broker is a party that arranges transactions between a buyer and a seller, and gets a commission when the deal is executed. A broker who also acts as a seller or as a buyer becomes a principal party to the deal. Distinguish agent: one who acts on behalf of a principal.

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Account Manager
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Business Development
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