The Declaration of Consciousness Movement is the evolution of the Declaration of Independence- freedom for a nation to- freedom for every individual on Planet Earth.


As the declaration by people of Earth to come together once and for all in love and unity, the Movement seeks to empower individuals with the rights of Consciousness. The Declaration is being signed by the core founders, world leaders, and the People who are calling for countries to settle their disputes based on inalienable universal human rights, non-violence, honoring the feminine, respect for our elderly, the ending of all war, encouraging love of all people. Our Declaration of Consciousness paves the way for a new understanding for humanity.


The Declaration encourages each of us to have greater participation in spiritual, universal and environmental issues of our time. Consciousness is the intrinsic right of an individual regardless of race, age, gender, religion, and nationality and our goal is to reach Consciousness to all.


This movement goes beyond religion because it is based upon certain tenets of Consciousness that are not exclusive to any religion or belief system.

9 Tenets of the Declaration of Consciousness Movement:

Ahimsa / Non-Violence

Planetary peace can only occur when we individually and collectively choose to BE and live in peace, honoring All as One.

Women’s Equality

As All are One, it is imperative to uphold and honor all women as equal.

Spiritual Freedom/Unity

Honoring all paths to Consciousness. Each person on our planet holds the potential of contributing towards a greater good in our world, thus they are deserving of our collective support in the attainment of their most advanced Consciousness.

Individual Freedom

Our Oneness and collective evolution can only be achieved when we honor the rights of all to live free of any and all forms of subjugation so as to wholly and completely express a state of self-realized Consciousness.

Children's Well Being

The future of our planet and generations to come depends on how we dutifully protect each child’s innocence and mindfully nurture the potential of each child, as a future leader in Consciousness.

Honor Our Elders

Each of our elders is a wisdom keeper, deserving of our mindful respect and most compassionate caring.

Free Thinking

The evolutionary advancement of our collective Consciousness in free thinking beyond dogmas and the development of all scientific and/or technological achievements which better our world, can only occur when society supports, honors and nurtures the development of creativity, free thinking and innovation.

Ethics of Commerce

The wellbeing of all people and the equitable sustainability of all societies depend on the conscious development and implementation of commerce that upholds to the principle of contributing toward planetary good before intent to generate profit.

Mother Earth

Each life-form on our planet depends on our Consciousness that reverently cares over each of the environmental elements that shape our global climate and sustains all life.


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As part of our first launch, We ask all citizens  and leaders of Earth to be a part of the growing vision of a dared endeavor of humanity through technology; strategic alliances; grass roots of each nation; conscious leadership and leaders;


We seek to work with the United Nations enhancing 1948 Declaration of Human Rights to have all Nations adopt the 9 Tenets of Consciousness as the unalienable rights of the People. With technology and the power of Each of Us, we will reach consciousness through enterprise, entertainment and media. We will be the collective voice of all global conscious aspirations.
Who are We? 
Our religion: Liberated
Our codes: Consciousness
We are the new paradigm: the flower of life- as formula of realities.
Online the We– the Voice & the momentum of Consciousness.
The absolute Rights of each, in every Nation. 
 Through entertainment, enterprise and media and all nonprofits in focus of Consciousness, We triumph!
The Online Hub being built is to reach Consciousness to All: To fuel the grassroots movement to reach Consciousness through enterprise, entertainment and media, the Online Consciousness Hub is being built. With technology and the power of Each of Us, we will reach consciousness through enterprise, entertainment and media. We will be the collective voice of all global conscious aspirations. We are here to define a new paradigm of reality.


Through conscious enterprise, entertainment and information we will impact change. The Declaration of Consciousness Movement (DOCM) Consciousness Hub, the online platform, brings together:


 – People
– Choices
– Ideas
– Information
The Declaration of Consciousness Movement creates a radical shift of consciousness across the globe through our collective action. Our Online Grid invites individuals to join our community impacting change. By nominating, voting, offering and curating conscious entertainment- movies & documentaries; media- music, books & art; conscious enterprises & nonprofits- We bring together the power of consciousness to serve, guide and be the Voice for Humanity.

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