Sanctuary and administrative offices:

Inner Light Center, 5630 Soquel Drive
Soquel, California 95073 map

(831) 465-9090

Statement of Purpose

Inner Light Ministries is an Omnifaith outreach ministry dedicated to spiritual transformation.  We provide “Tools for Living”™ that encourage the practical application of Universal Spiritual Principles to all of life’s circumstances.  Our aim is healing through the energy of love and the revealing of our own Inner Light.  As an Omnifaith ministry, we embody Spiritual Oneness, appreciate individualized expressions, and honor all paths that lead to Truth.

This Week

Theme: Renewal
Topic: Never Too Late
Guest Speakers: Kalain Hadley and Paul Engen

Musical Inspiration: Heather Houston and Yala Lati

For Light Streaming, click here:
Live Stream

Sunday Celebration Service times

10:15am Silent Meditation
10:35am Community Praise
10:45am Celebration Service

10:45am Light Streaming begins

(All times are U.S. Pacific time.)