Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Electronics Information (ICACSEI 2013)

Applying a MAX-MIN Ant System with a Dynamic Roulette Wheel Strategy to Software Release Planning

Qing Huang Yu, Wen Chiang Chuan, Hsu Huang Cheng
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software release planning (SRP), ant colony optimization (ACO), MAX-MIN Ant System (MMAS).
In this study, the software releasing planning (SRP) problem resulted from incremental software development is considered. Software releasing planning has been proven to be a NP-complete problem. Owing to the intractable nature of the problem, a heuristic approach based on ant colony optimization (ACO) can be applied to obtain satisfactory suboptimal solutions within a reasonable amount of computational cost. However, most realistic ACO-based approaches for software releasing planning still remain to be improved. A novel ant-inspired search algorithm is therefore proposed. The proposed algorithm, namely MMASDRW-SRP, adopts a dynamic roulette wheel strategy for giving a sophisticated balance between intensification and diversification, thereby improving the quality of solutions obtained. The performance of MMASDRW-SRP is demonstrated by comparing it against conventional ACO-based approaches. Experimental results indicate that the proposed MMASDRW-SRP algorithm performs significantly better than the competitive approaches.
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