Owned By Raymond7

Ketika peretas di tangkap dan koruptor berkeliaran ? So Welcome to Indonesian State !!

||• Greezt •||

Mr.xBarakuda - CYBERSCRY - BDJ-007 - SPEEDY-03 - KONSLET - Mr.Cakil - xSana - ./L1ght_R00t

./Mr.HTTP - P4kL0nc4t - E7B_404 - Gh0st_Coder - ./Speciment - ./Mr.H3LL_NET

Official Hacker Patah Hati - Lamongan Xploiter - Garuda Security Hacker - SIS-TEAM - Indonesian Code Party - Typical Idiot Security - Conqueror Cyber Ghost - Indonesia Defacer Tersakiti Team - And All Indonesian People !!