CAS is a community of individuals who are passionate about giving our children a great education in computing. It is a community of professional practice, which we join as colleagues in a shared endeavour. It is not a service to which we subscribe.
The CAS Community members and champions run over 150 regional hubs. Here, we meet together, talk, exchange ideas and share resources. Join CAS to become a member of this community. It’s free, you get no spam, and you’ll have access to 20,000+ colleagues, 3,000+ resources, the online discussions, and much more.
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Published by Jamie Edmondson on 2018-07-19
My presentation from my CAS conference workshop 2018 on '10 progressive activities using the BBC Micro:Bit'
Published by Beverly Clarke on 2018-07-10
The Royal Society Schools Network is now open for new sign-ups, you can sign up here!
Published by Claire Davenport on 2018-06-20
The winners of the recent CAS Hub Group Awards were announced at the CAS Conference Saturday 16 June, University of Birmingham.
CAS is a grass roots organisation, whose energy, creativity, and leadership comes from its members. Simon Humphreys, CAS Coordinator
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