CIAS Limited



College Ireland Aviation Services

Excellence In Aviation

Choose from a wide range of courses
for every profession in the industry


"The experience and expertise at our disposal is

International and multi-cultural, drawing from Ireland,
Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East"


Our Mission Is To Ensure


We successfully

build relationships

on an international level.


College Ireland Aviation Services (CIAS) is a unique concept within the Aviation Sector. We are problem solvers in Aviation. Our mission is to ensure excellence in services, education and training on a continuous basis by answering the needs of the aviation sector in every respect, to the highest possible standards. We work with and will continue to work with industry partners to ensure that their precise needs are met to the standards they demand.

While CIAS is an Irish initiative, the experience and expertise at our disposal is International and multi-cultural, drawing from Ireland, Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East – we are proud to present CIAS as a 'One Stop Shop’ for the needs of all who wish to continue their professional development in the aviation, education and transport sector. To further compound this, we are unique in having the capacity to design a multi-faceted, cost competitive programme to your specification. College Ireland is an Enterprise Ireland HPSU Client.

Professional Training

We provide a wide range of courses for professional development.


Education Programmes (Higher Education; FE; & English Language)

Our mission is to ensure the highest education standards in the industry.


Consultation Services - We are problem solvers in Aviation

CIAS provides consultation services excellent from industry experts.


International Relations

We successfully build relationships on an international level.


Latest News


NEW TESOL Programme launches this week.

Some places remaining on our July intake. Teach English as a secondary language? Become a qualified English language teacher to work part-time, seasonal, full-time or travel the globe with a skill in your pocket to use anywhere! 4 weeks - July - Its yours!

20170516_141620Teaching English as a foreign language/secondary language is one of the most fulfilling roles there is. Meeting people from all over the world, educating corporates worldwide, or simply filling that time off with a flexible role- TESOL training provides you with the accreditation and certificate required to teach here in Ireland or abroad. Dublin in particular has a large demand for such teachers in particular over the summer and autumn months.

For more information check out our video on our social media channels, and email for more details. Rates are €1550. The programme is 4 weeks. You complete the end of programmes assessments and away you go. 

Tesol Intro - Click here for Video. 

(Part-Time) UUJ - CIAS Fast-Track BSc Degree in Business Management (with Aviation aspects) open for September 2017.

Last week College Ireland launched in collaboration with University of Ulster Business School, a new Fast-Track BSc IN Business Management ( with Aviation aspects). Part-Time and with special offerings for Aviation, transport and our corporate colleagues. To get more information or to attend our open evening contact us at . This Fast-Track degree offers those who meet the entry criteria with the opportunity to complete the programme in two years. The new BSc is also one of the most competitive on the market in Ireland at €3,300 per year. Proving one of the most popular programmes we introduced at the Dublin Aviation Summit in May 2017, this will be a programme with great networking opportunities, and Industry learnings as well as the programme learnings. To accelerate your career, get that next promotion, or look for that next financial increase, get this BSC degree under your wing.

Click here for more details: ciasuu_bscmgt_flyer_v3

BSc Fast Track Information Sheet

 2017 Dublin Aviation Summit: Showcase of College Ireland Aviation Services to Global aviation companies

20170516_095317College Ireland attended the Inaugural Dublin Aviation Summit in the RDS May 15-17th. The summit provided a platform for MRO, Airline, Aviation Management and Service companies from all over the world to come together.  College Ireland being one of the unique stands at the event, brought together 12 different companies under one roof including Lufthansa Technik, National Flight Centre, Tesol Trinity College London, Air Academy Finder, Weston Airport, ACET Language schools etc.

The stand proved popular with delegates and was frequented by leading Airlines, Aviation companies and others looking to increase performance and improve standards in their respective organisations. College Ireland's partners, affiliates, agents and clients all attended the event.



New Agent for China and Asia region Jamie Zhu has joined forces with College Ireland.

Our new agent for CIAS. Watch his video below.

Jamie Zhu Agent for China and Asean region


College Ireland and University of Ulster Business School launch a new fast track business degree for Aviation and Transport professionals. For more information take a look...












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New Agent for China and Asean region Jamie Zhu has joined forces with College Ireland.

Our new agent for Asia attended the Dublin Aviation Summit with CIAS. Watch his video below.

Jamie Zhu Agent for China and Asean region


College Ireland and University of Ulster Business School launch a new fast track business degree for Aviation and Transport professionals. For more information take a look...
