[+] Hacked by nkGh0sT [+]

We are number one.
Everyday we follow you.
If you guess, we are #nkCyb3rTeam.
And this is me, nkGh0sT.
Now, you have 2 plans.
The first is pay free .tk or .cf domain for not popular and you don't gonna earn money.
The second is : say Goodbye to security (use this one, gonna be better)!
Your IP Adress is done, all are done you are hacked by the boss (nkGh0sT) from nkCyberTeam.
All your personal files is done.
Credit cards of employees done.
All hacked by me the boss.

We are :

SpyRooT, InDi4n K!LL3R, NaZ Hax0r, PiDaS, WolfTech, KonanZ, FrenchAnonymous, SN!P3R