Physics SLOP booklets

Here are the Physics books I've done so far, they're not quite perfected yet but I'll update this page with newer versions when I get a chance. Please do let me know if you spot any typos or whatever, they've already benefited loads from people doing this. There are some mistakes in the answers... Continue Reading →

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Curriculum: Truth and Beauty

A while ago I said that science has a unique claim to truth. I was wrong. After reading Christine Counsell's article "Taking Curriculum Seriously" I have come to realise that all human endeavour, and therefore the subjects we teach in our schools, are a search for truth, and that the reason we have so many... Continue Reading →

My Audible picks of 2018

I wouldn't say I'm into extreme working-parenting but I wrote a revision guide in the cinema car park this week while my son watched Spider-Man, and I'm writing this blog one-handed on my phone while I dry my hair. You do have to look after your minutes if you want to get things done at... Continue Reading →

The language of curriculum

This post is part of the "Curriculum in Science" symposium curated by Adam Boxer (@adamboxer1). Read Adam's introduction here. Curriculum is a hard thing to talk about. It’s interesting to think about why this is. I think that the best way to understand what we mean by “curriculum” is to begin at the end. What... Continue Reading →

Knowledge Organisers and Quiz Sheets

A quick post to share a couple of thoughts and some resources. I think we have been mixing up two, equally important but different things when we've talked about knowledge organisers in science, or at least I have. Sharing the structure of the knowledge, its organisation, is a really important thing to do with students,... Continue Reading →

Sentences and the web of knowledge

This blog is part 3 of the #WritingInScience symposium curated by Pritesh Raichura. Read Pritesh's introduction here and part 2 from Ben Rogers here. Do you ever stop to marvel at the extent of human thought? I do, and it takes my breath away. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to think about interesting, abstract... Continue Reading →

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