
Yoga Teacher Training

Lead by teachers with over 20 years teaching experience.
Next Training!
September 2018 to February 2019
Start elements of this program now! RSVP to the Orientation:

Yoga Alliance Certified Program 

 200Hr Yoga Teacher Training

Far more than a course learning poses and getting a teaching certificate, this is a course in personal transformation. Our students are people who want to explore the nature of their minds, open their hearts more fully and align their bodies for greater freedom. 


This program is designed to immerse you in all aspects of yoga, including: meditation, philosophy, breathing techniques (pranayama), Ayurvedic principles of balanced diet, affirmations, and sanskrit. Through study and application of these practices, you will develop the skills and presence to be a top Hatha Yoga teacher. 

This course is lead by our studio owner and VYC founder, Melonie Nielsen, E-RYT 500, LMP With over 2 decades of owning the Vancouver Yoga Center, 2000 hours of training, 10,000 hours of teaching experience and 3000 hours of teaching teachers to be teachers, she is one of the most qualified yoga teacher trainers in our area. 


 3 core focuses:

History: Explore the philosophical schools, thought process and practices that yoga is based on.
Alignment: Learn principles of alignment that you can apply to any pose or movement system
Art of teaching: Learn to see and adjust detailed alignment in your students; Practice effective verbal instructions; Design transformative classes. 


This program is intensive and detailed. Adjunct teachers bring a diversity of expertise and experience from many professional fields. If you are already a yoga teacher, but seek deeper grounding in anatomy, alignment, adjustments or philosophy, this program will be a great resource of continuing education. Whether or not you choose to teach, this program will shape your life and understanding of yourself. 

Next scheduled course starting September 2018

Applications due by August 15th 2018,

Program fee:$3400

Payment plan is available (see enrollment form below)

Encouraged to have  1 year of taking classes with a teacher 

Core weekend dates:

Sept 15th & 16th

Oct 20th & 21st

Nov 17th & 18th

Dec 15th & 16th

Jan 19th & 20th

Feb 16th & 17th


Course Syllabus

Registration form

Enrollment form

In addition to attendance/participation in the above sessions, certification requires you attend/complete:

72 hours of regular classes at Vancouver Yoga Center (36 must be with Melonie)

12 hours of Internship (observing and assisting Melonie in classes at the studio)

one private yoga session with Melonie

one private Ayurvedic consultation with Melonie

one case study

and all reading and homework assignments. 

All these requirements are included in the course fees


You will also need to complete 32 hours of visiting teacher workshops not included in course fees. (estimated $450-$600) & you are responsible for purchasing required books for course.


We currently do not offer financial aid.


Course is limited to 20 students, spaces do fill up and its encouraged to call and get your name on a reserved spot list.

Students have up to one year from beginning of the course to complete its requirements and receive your certification.


The teacher-training program offered at Vancouver Yoga Center by Melonie was exceptional. It had a wonderful balance of philosophy, alignment principles, demonstrations, and teaching opportunities. Melonie created a safe and supportive environment that allowed each student to explore and develop his/her own teaching style. The class was multifaceted and presented the material in a logical sequential manner that built on previous learning. The class also included a focus on the individual students personal health and included multiple ideas and practices to enhance physical, mental and emotional health. I recommend it highly. -Terry 2017

There is so much depth to this course. The best money I have spent in the last five years!      -Katie 2017

Yoga turned me inside and out to follow my purpose and live more authentically. I lost 35#, got off 3 medications, got married, moved and folloing my passion. I highly recommend this teacher training course. It must be experienced. Change will occur; in the meantime,  don’t give up before the miracle happens.

-Betta 2017

I gained the most from the yoga philosophy, what I have walked away with is the knowledge to search for the self. This will be an ongoing study for me.

-2015 Teacher Training

I would recommend Melonie's Yoga Teacher Training for anyone looking to deepen their practice. She helped me expand my knowledge of yoga philosophy, history, Ayurvedic philosophy, anatomy and sequencing. This experience has changed my life and has helped me sculpt who I am in this realm of teaching or sharing yoga. I will cherish what I have learned with Melonie and appreciate the perspective on life that she has shared. I feel I have learned how to safely and effectively teach yoga, but more importanly I have learned how to share this transformative experience - Yoga. Melonie is intensely personal, supportive and full of care in her teaching. I am forever touched and forever grateful.

-Kristin  2015 Yoga Teacher Training 

I began yoga with Melonie over two years ago and instantly fell in love with the way she teaches. The desire of pursuing deeper knowledge and understanding of yoga had been with me for a while, but she made me want to transcend further and share the passion with others. In taking the Teacher Training course with Melonie she helped me strengthen my personal practice as well as give me a deeper understanding of the philosophy of yoga and how bodies move through poses. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to pursue this career or to anyone just wanting to deepen their own practice.

-2015 Teacher Training

I feel like this course has set me up for success as a yoga teacher, and it has also given me invaluable tools for my personal life. Melonie is an inexhaustible source of experiential wisdom and insight. The curriculum she has set up is engaging, both fun and challenging. Melonie is an inspiration, sure to transform your yoga!

-Stanton 2015 Teacher Training

I took Melonies Teacher Training course as a chalenge to myself having recently become an empty nester. I was afraid to sign up because I didnt think I knew enough and would not be able to keep up physically or mentally. How Very happy and grateful I am that I did go through this program! It was challenging, fun, inspirational, practical, helpful and Melonie is a true teacher. She doesn't just know her topics inside and out but she can teach them. Being able to teach what you know is a true gift and Melonie meticulously knows her subjects. The content of the course, the books needed, the homework, were all applicable to furthering my knowledge of yoga as well as applicable to life. Ive become more confident in the techniques and knowing who I am. It is well worth your time, energy and commitment. Melonie is supportive and encouraging throughout the whole process and does and excellent job of providing information, tools, advice and caring about your own personal success through your own personal journey. I cannot recommend this course highly enough!

-Betsy 2015 Teacher Training

This course exceeded my expectations. I loved the lectures, the great speakers, and the challenges. The tools provided (readings, handouts, CD's) are extremely valuable to me. -2014 Teacher Training

When I decided to enroll in the Teacher's Training course I thought I would learn some asanas, alignment principles and gain a better understanding of yoga. However, soon after the program began, i found myself on a journey towards Peace, Joy and Contentment in my life. The tools provided in the course, not only prepare you to be a Yoga Teacher, but provide everything needed to begin your journey to find your True Self.

-2014 Teacher Training

I have much better body awareness and I have learned a lot more about myself then i ever imagined. Whether you plan to teach or not, this is a great program to gain better understanding and awareness of your body and how to get the most benefit of your practice. Melonie makes it fun and easy to understand.

-2014 Teacher Training. 

I greatly value the information and techniques I learned from the Yoga Repatterning teacher-training course. The information was organized, well rounded, and well presented. The instructor was always present in our classes and always available to answer any questions we had about the course. I highly recommend this program and will participate in any other teacher-training programs they offer!

-2013 Teacher Training

I learned so much about alignment! Wow - I think about asanas and my everyday posture in a whole new way.

-2013 Teacher Training

I loved the training and tried to put my everything into it. Thanks for your love and devotion to teaching!

-2013 Teacher Training

View a snap shot of Melonie and Matt teaching Yoga Teacher Training
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1101 Broadway St #216 Vancouver, Wa 98660  

Above the Chamber of Commerce 

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