Online Schools, Degrees & Programs
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Quick Info

Online schools and online degrees have become the go-to alternative to traditional schools and colleges. If you have a full-time job, a family, are in the military or have other time constraints, learning through an online school is a great way to learn, and to open up your career options.

A by Babson Survey Research Group and The College Board shows that around 32% of college students – around 10 students per class of 30 – have taken at least one online class. That statistic has grown from just over 9% ten years ago, showing a strong upward trend in the competency, availability, and student preference for online education. With online schools are rapidly gaining popularity with students as well as, online degrees are becoming a more popular replica watches store hrefoption for students who are parents, those with full-time jobs or travel obligations, and anyone else without the flexibility to attend a campus-based school. Consequently, online schools themselves are consistently evolving to include broader, more, more in-depth content, and more opportunity.

If you’re fully employed, a full-time parent, or have other daytime obligations, there’s probably an online school that can help you. Explore your online school options today.