Union Of Underground Myanmar Hackers

We Are Myanmar,We Are The Power


 Bengali issue had been very much concerned issue for our country. As, we, Myanmar are peacefully living people that we strongly know and believe that we are not doing ethnic cleaning but the news say (without any withnesses). Bengali are not citizen of Myanmar and they are NOT included in Myanmar's National races. As they are called "Bengali", they are the citizens of Bangladesh. But Bengalidesh keep telling that "Bengali" are citizens and race of Myanmar. Because of "Bengali" Terrorists who attacked Myanmar Police Forces, many of Police Officers were killed. UN is also putting pressure on Myanmar Government. While we, Myanmar, are not doing ethnic cleaning but preventing our homeland from being devoured by "Bengali"; in turn of Bangladesh, we are not sure if UN and associated countries are INTENTIONALLY making it happen or not. So, we, hereby, doing this "#OP Bangladesh 2019" to spread the world that we are being devoured by "Bengali", who are NOT Myanmar's National Race nor citizen. This will NOT be racial or religious attack. This will be the attack to let the world know the truth inside Myanmar. In our country, there are many religions living together with their own devotions. We want to make it clear that truly give respect to their own belief on their specific religion. So, IF "Bengali" are not Muslims or any religion, we will do the attack; which means, our attacks will NOT be based on Religion. We fight for our mother land. We fight for our own country.

Union Of Underground Myanmar Hackers Greetz To : || All Hacking Team || Myanmar Citizen And You!!! ||