Hacked by 6hosthere502 - PhantomGhost
Heroes, full of memories services. Services that will not be able to buy the property,
services that has the purpose of "Freedom or Death", Brother, let us stand together.
Independence is not a sign to stop fighting,
but the sign to fight harder.

[ WE ARE ]
4prili666h05T - Mr.3RR0R - Mr.Aljabar - Exect1337 - Z3U54774CK - N1C3x13
6hosthere502 - D34D~5L00P - IF22 - 213_90N6 - Netr4LizeR

Panjul DOT ID - Mr.TokeiChun69 - L4663r666h05t - RESIS-07 - Berandal - ZakirDotId - NdaaHaxor - Laiteux - ./er0sensei1337 - xMrCold
[ AnonSec - 0x Official Sociologism - ManadoGhost - SulawesiSpammers - PAK Cyber Army - Arabian Hacker Group ]
Indonesian Hacktivist Crew