Welcome to the Alcohol and Drug History Society (ADHS)

The Alcohol and Drugs History Society (ADHS) was founded in 1979 to foster exchange among scholars interested in all aspects of past alcohol or drug use or control within any society. Its mission is to promote scholarship and discussions about the history of alcohol and drug use, abuse, production, trade, and regulation across time and space.

Our main activities

The ADHS is an international society of scholars working in the field of alcohol and drugs history. It publishes the peer reviewed international journal, The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs annually and the Points blog. The Society organizes a biennial international conference as well as sponsoring smaller events each year in different parts of the world.

Our Journal

The Social History of Alcohol and Drugs is a peer-reviewed international journal publishing high quality, original academic research, reflection essays, and book reviews. It is the only English language academic journal dedicated to this diverse topic. Multidisciplinary and supported by top scholars in the field, it serves as an essential resource for academics working on the history of alcohol and drugs.


Sign up to become part of an international community of scholars with a common interest in the history of alcohol and drugs. Members receive news and information about Society events as well as upcoming conferences and workshops.