Cash loans

Choose an online loan in HRK, with or without secured loan repayment - it is quick and simple and there are no fees. Use the calculator!

Tell us your wishes


A cash loan allows disposal of cash and simple financing of your needs and desires.

We offer loans in HRK with a fixed interest rate of 5.20% for all cash loans arranged with loan repayment insurance for settling your loan obligations in the event of contingencies.

Our regular offer enables you high loan amounts without insurance instruments.


  1. No application processing fee
  2. High loan amounts without insurance instruments
  3. Quick and simple realization
  4. Use m-zaba to monitor your repayment schedule and the number of remaining instalments

A pensioner loan is a general-purpose cash loan granted without security instruments to any pensioner up to 78 years of age.

Any natural person, resident, who meets the Bank creditworthiness requirements can be a borrower.


  1. No security instruments required
  2. Higher access age of borrower
  3. More favourable calculation of creditworthiness tailored to pensioners  
  4. Possible arrangement of loan repayment insurance

Education is always a smart investment. That's why we offer various loans:

  • a student loan to finance tuition fees and education
  • a loan to cover living costs during your studies

Benefits of student loans

  1. Loan repayment after graduation
  2. The possibility of delaying payment of the first instalment of the loan up to 12 months after graduation
  3. The possibility of financing living expenses during studies both in Croatia and abroad       
  4. The possibility of increasing the loan amount for buying specialized literature

Didn't find what you're looking for? Write to us

Zagrebačka banka will process the personal data entered in the form below for the purpose of arranging a meeting in one of its branches and will keep them for 30 days. If you are a client of Zagrebačka banka, we suggest that you enter your OIB, so the banker could prepare the best financial offers based on the available data.
Read more in the Information on Personal Data Processing.

Your contact

Choose a branch for an appointment

Suggest a time for a meeting, and we will try to accommodate your request.

All you need to do is fill in the form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Zagrebačka banka will process the personal data entered in the form below for the purpose of arranging a meeting in one of its branches and will keep them for 30 days. If you are a client of Zagrebačka banka, we suggest that you enter your OIB, so the banker could prepare the best financial offers based on the available data.
Read more in the Information on Personal Data Processing.

Your contact

Choose a branch for an appointment

Suggest a time for a meeting, and we will try to accommodate your request.

The displayed results on the basis of the data you have entered can be used for informational purposes only and are not binding to the Bank regarding the provision of banking services. The calculation is displayed in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, and the Bank reserves the right to amend the provisions of that document. The Bank makes a decision on the provision of banking services in accordance with the conditions defined in the General Terms and Conditions, based on the assessment of creditworthiness.
Due to the specifics of the non-resident client status, please arrange an appointment with your banker in the Centre for Non-Residents to get additional information about the offer.

Postavke kolačića

Tehnički kolačići (neophodni)

Performansni kolačići (neobavezni)

Marketinški kolačići (neobavezni)

Tehnički kolačićiUvijek aktivni

Ovi kolačići su neophodni za funkcioniranje web stranice i ne mogu se isključiti u našem sustavu. Obično se postavljaju samo kao reakcija na vašu radnju koja predstavlja zahtjev za uslugom, kao što je postavljanje vaših postavki privatnosti, prijavljivanje ili popunjavanje obrazaca.

Kolačići koji se koriste:

JSESSIONID - čuva stanje sesija kroz zahtjeve za stranicama

PD_STATEFUL - kolačići sigurnosti sesije Server session security cookies

PD_SESSION-ID - jdinstveni Unique server session security cookie

PWSESSIONID – kolačić sesije poslužitelja

Parent_alive - kolačić sesije poslužitelja

Gtm_tracking - čuva korisnikov pristanak na praćenje

Option_set – čuva vrijednost za pokazivanje cookie bara

Zaba_performance- čuva posjetiteljev pristanak za bolje performance

Performansni kolačići

Ovi kolačići omogućuju nam da računamo posjete i izvore prometa, kako bismo mogli izmjeriti i poboljšati performanse naših stranica. Oni nam pomažu da znamo koje su podstranice najpopularnije ili najmanje posjećene, te kako se posjetitelji ponašaju po web stranici. Sve informacije koje ovi kolačići prikupljaju su agregirani a time i anonimizirani. Ako spriječite te kolačiće, nećemo znati kada ste posjetili našu web stranicu.

Kolačići koji se koriste:

ZABGN - postavke naslovnice ovisno o tome je li korisnik građanin ili pravna osoba

ZABRM - kolačić s vrijednošću korisnikovog web preglednika zbog boljih performansi

Marketinški kolačići

Ovi kolačići služe kao pomoć pri tumačenju internetskih aktivnosti korisnika te u svrhu marketinških aktivnosti, poput oglašavanja i remarketinga.

Kolačići koji se koriste:

1P_JAR - prikuplja statistiku web stranice i prati stopu konverzije

CONSENT - postavke kolačića -

DV - Google ad personalizacija -

NID - Google ad personalizacija -

IDE- Koristi se za prepoznavanje preglednika za oglašavanje i praćenje izvedbe i postavki. DoubleClick

ga - Google Universal Analytics postavlja jedinstveni ID koji se koristi za izračunavanje podataka za analitička izvješća

gid - koristi se za razlikovanje korisnika jednog od drugog.

Anj - Anj kolačić sadrži podatke koji označavaju da li se ID kolačića sinkronizira s našim partnerima. ID sinkronizacija omogućuje našim partnerima korištenje svojih podataka izvan platforme na platformi.

uuid2 - Ovaj kolačić sadrži jedinstvenu, slučajno generiranu vrijednost koja Platformu omogućuje razlikovanje preglednika i uređaja.

Sess - Kolačić sesije sadrži jednu ne-jedinstvenu vrijednost: "1". Platforma se koristi za testiranje je li preglednik konfiguriran za prihvaćanje kolačića iz aplikacije AppNexus.

Icu - Kolačić se koristi za odabir oglasa i ograničavanje broja prikaza određenog oglasa. Sadrži informacije poput broja prikaza oglasa, nedavnog prikazivanja oglasa ili broja prikazanih oglasa

Uid - jedinstveni identifikator

cid - Cookie id (legacy) – jedinstveni identifikator

Facebook - prati konverzije FB oglasa, optimizira oglase, gradi ciljanu publiku i radi remarketing

HotJar - prikuplja informacija o ponašanju korisnika i njihovim uređajima