Abhiram Ravi
Google | IIT Madras
Oct, 2015-
Mountain View/Sunnyvale, CA, USA.
Senior Software Engineer, Tech lead
Network infrastructure & research
Summer 2014
University of Wisconsin-Madison: Research Internship
Madison, WI, USA.
Information-Centric Networking, a next-generation Internet architecture.
Summer 2013
University of Wisconsin-Madison: Research Internship
Madison, WI, USA.
Networking architectures for high-speed inter-networked virtual reality.
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai, IN.
B.Tech (Hons), M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
Thesis : Revisiting Pervasive Content Caching in Information-Centric Networks.
I was jointly advised by Prof. Krishna Sivalingam at IIT-M and
Prof. Parmesh Ramanathan at UW-Madison


I'm a Senior Software Engineer and Tech lead at Google, working primarily on Network infrastructure systems. I build planet-scale distributed systems that optimize Google's WAN and Data Center networks across the globe - with efforts spanning reliability, efficiency, scalability, flexibility and simplicity.

I graduated with a B.Tech (Hons), M.Tech (Dual Degree) in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Madras in 2015 and I've been a Googler in Silicon Valley since then.

Email: abhiram.ravi.s _at_ gmail.com
Resume (2015): [PDF] , [Template] - a modified version of Slinky's

Website Template Credits: Andrej Karpathy, Stanford University