Hire the best Vetted Remote Developers with Hirerex

Our mission is to provide the top industry talent to  clients so  they can focus on growth while we maintain their remote  developer team.

Rated 4.8/5 on G2 For Ease of Use

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    Awards & Certification

    Benefits of Hiring Remote Developers


    Better Scalability

    While hiring the best vatted remote developers, you can hire experts in niche technologies to bridge skills needs.

    Higher Productivity

    Today the world is highly productive to work with remote developers. Developers organize their day so they can function effectively.


    Hiring the best vatted remote developers saves them enormous costs for infrastructure, the workplace, and much more.

    Get Access To A Pool Of Talents

    Today the biggest challenge faced by businesses while hiring talent is the shortage of talent. We offer the company access to untapped local & foreign talent.

    Flexible Working Hours

    Best Remote developers can choose a work schedule at their convenience to ensure the highest quality & performance.

    Allows To Focus On Core Business

    So, when experts manage the development work, founders can be stress-free and focus on other critical aspects like marketing, sales, client relations, and business development.

    People Love Hirerex


    Hire Developers

    Hirerex is the best remote developer provider for top companies and startups. From Hirerex to augment their development teams for remote development, app, web, developments, and many more.

    Apply For Job

    To provide the expert remote developers while we need to reach out to as many talented developer candidates as possible. Hirerex is always find world top talents

    Our Developer Hiring Model



    • Duration: 4 Hrs/Day – 5 Days/Week (80 Hrs/Month)
    • Billing: Monthly
    • Timeline: Based on Project


    • Duration: 8 Hrs/Day – 5 Days/Week (160 Hrs/Month)
    • Billing: Monthly
    • Timeline: Based on Project


    • Duration: 8 Hrs/Day –
      5 Days/Week
    • Billing: Weekly/Daily/Monthly
    • Timeline: Based on Project

    Gain Fresh Perspectives


    Frequently Asked Questions


    Hirerex is a leading top 5% vatted Remote Developer Company that empowers Startups & Large Businesses toward high-speed  growth through accomplished developers.

    Hirerex , provides best top 5% vatted remote developers for over 50+ Tech Skills like- Python, React, Node, Angular , Android, Swift, Flutter/ Dart, React Native, Vue, Blockchain, PHP/ CI/ laravel, MEAN/ MERN many more .

    We provide the top highly skilled talent so our business partners get more value which makes us different from others. 

    We have a flexible hiring model which will be very easy and cost-effective.

    Once we have a job description and we schedule a fast interview within a given period. The overall entire process takes around 1 and half weeks.

    Yes, along with developers Hirerex we can provide top project managers ?

    Hirerex works with monthly, years and hourly different payment model options.

    We have a dedicated account management team. They can identify your points and easily add or remove the developers.

    Why Businesses Choose Hirerex



    0 days
    To assign most positions,
    sometimes on the exact day.

    Time Saved

    0 + hours
    Of tech team time, saved
    per developer on shortlisting.


    0 %
    success rate.

    Award & Certification