hello admin, .
Our forces will not stop
and will continue to attack
for the sake of Indonesia
we will continue to fight,Cyber Army INDONESIAN
We are EXI2T-team,We EXI2T-team , As long as we still have a keyboard and command troops on the internet. We are not invincible*!!!INDONESIA DEFACER-FUCK YOU GRAHAHAHAHA......

more info contact me


Greetz :
#Mr.EXI2T | |#Mr.BLACK-EX|MR.Y@N66A||Cyber00t || #unknown378 | #Nothing454 | #MR.SnapHeat404 ||Bla4Ck-Face|| P45_86|#P3PS0D3NT|./Mr. Zonk | MR.V3N0M | Mr.Gg | renZ | AnonyX|Nobody_Cares|Mr.p49er5.90non9/|M.D4rMo| t4mv4n_cy3b3r | CindviaDealoved |./Mr.P4T4H_H4T1 | NETNOT-POC |

My Friend Team :
JKT48 CYBER TEAM | SCARLETFOC-TEAM | Indonesian Defacer |MEDAN CYBER TEAM|D3Vilv0de|| All My Friend