Knock-Knock ADMIN

Sorry admin your website was hacked by "K1LL3rB4LL".
I just saw a vulnerabilities in your website. So i just replace your index with this message.
To the owner of this site please secure your site if you value your site.
To the system administrator instead of doing nothing and just waiting for your salary.
Why don't you focus on your website.

"The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday".

Special Greets:

[ Kaizz | Code Gray | Kent | Ch1ch4n | ShadowMask | N61tap | NewbieXhacker | Bl4ckbl33d | Lilz | | Ph.GodLike | Ecrous Philker | Undefeated | Ru | Lars | Zafkiel | Donwn3rz | Xsaigon | Pyscheros |

GREETINGS: [ Anonymous Philippines | C0D3X Cyber Army | Blood Security Hackers | Philippine Cyber Army | Pinoy Vendetta | Anonymous Marinduque | Phantom Hackers | Pinoy Hacking Community | SHPC | K4mand4g| D4ddy_Lorc4n | Ed1lm4r| Red-eye | And to all pinoy hackers ]