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PHP Tutorial

Phptpoint’s free PHP Online Tutorial has heaps of PHP Interview question and well-run Interview question with answer associated to core php, cake php, codeigniter, mysql, joomla etc. which can assist you to crack the Interview for PHP developer.

Learning a programming language is one job which can be done while sitting at home. There are different languages for programming like free PHP, Mysql, JOOMLA, WORDPRESS etc which can be learned in a very effortless and trouble-free manner.

Here, at phptpoint we begin from the scratch where we can lead you on the practice of these languages. This is a free and online site where the students who wants to build a career in the same profession, can be trained about the working of the PHP. Perhaps you can go to any of the institutes where you have to spend a hefty amount also and apart from that you need to give time as well. But here at Phptpoint we provide functional and easy to understand PHP tutorials for beginners with examples. This is an advantage of the PHP tutorial for PHP interested students as well as the experts of PHP programming who can learn many more things through our site.

There is always distrust in the wits of the beginners that a site can’t help them in developing a better mode of understanding. But your search for a good tutorial ends up at Phptpoint. We have made this site for the benefit of the people who approach us in the zest of learning, so we have developed it in a way which can sort out the queries hand to hand. The visitors visiting to Phptpoint can directly ask for a solution to their queries. Once we know your trouble point, our job begins to find an apt way out for you.

Apart from free online tutorial Phptpoint provides you free downloading facility also. Students can easily download free php projects. There are huge numbers of projects available for your reference. You can select them to see as an example and start learning through those live examples, because examples are the best ways for describing a particular thing. You can pick any topic from the online php tutorial and we will guide you with a complete package from the definition to the explanation in a well versed manner.

Phptpoint’s free PHP Online Tutorial has heaps of PHP Interview question and well-run Interview question with answer associated to core php, cake php, codeigniter, mysql, joomla etc. which can assist you to crack the Interview for PHP developer.

Our basic motive is to offer you adequate acquaintance on various topics. Any topic when gathered with experience gives a better understanding to learn more about PHP. A hand full of projects on PHP tutorials while sitting at home can manage to make you learn about this language. The students who are interested to attach through facebook page can directly be a part of the program. We ponder to develop things more easily to make the users comfortable in their learning process.

About Author

I have 6 + Years experience in PHP field both as developer as well as consultant. I have successfully delivered over 100 mini and more than 50 major client based projects in the PHP domain.

I have created and developed the phptpoint platform to share and extend my learnings, experiences and expertise in PHP field to the other candidates who want to excel their career in the PHP domain.

My response to the queries made by visitors at phptpoint, is quick, easy and with thorough explanation, as I strive to share my acquired learning experiences which will help expedite the learning process of all the candidates seeking assistance from my phptpoint tutorial.

Wish, you have great learning experience with phptpoint tutorial.

