
Código: asdasda
R$ 203,42
Comprar Estoque: Disponível
* Este prazo de entrega está considerando a disponibilidade do produto + prazo de entrega.
Hacked By Yesi & TOMYROOT




Turkish Hacking Underground Community Yesi |HurNefer| Rootayyildiz|emironlin3x | cak1r | Forsasuke1337 | m4rormaus |
/**/ _____________________________________________________
class TextScramble { constructor(el) { this.el = el this.chars = '!@#$%^&*()_-=+{}:"|<>?,./;' this.update = this.update.bind(this) } setText(newText) { const oldText = this.el.innerText const length = Math.max(oldText.length, newText.length) const promise = new Promise((resolve) => this.resolve = resolve) this.queue = [] for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const from = oldText[i] || '' const to = newText[i] || '' const start = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) const end = start + Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) this.queue.push({ from, to, start, end }) } cancelAnimationFrame(this.frameRequest) this.frame = 0 this.update() return promise } update() { let output = '' let complete = 0 for (let i = 0, n = this.queue.length; i < n; i++) { let { from, to, start, end, char } = this.queue[i] if (this.frame >= end) { complete++ output += to } else if (this.frame >= start) { if (!char || Math.random() < 0.28) { char = this.randomChar() this.queue[i].char = char } output += `${char}` } else { output += from } } this.el.innerHTML = output if (complete === this.queue.length) { this.resolve() } else { this.frameRequest = requestAnimationFrame(this.update) this.frame++ } } randomChar() { return this.chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.chars.length)] } } const phrases = [ 'HACKED', 'BY', 'YESI', '&', 'TOMYROOT' ] const el = document.querySelector('.text') const fx = new TextScramble(el) let counter = 0 const next = () => { fx.setText(phrases[counter]).then(() => { setTimeout(next, 1500) }) counter = (counter + 1) % phrases.length } next() 'use strict'; var app = { init: function () { app.container = document.createElement('div'); app.container.className = 'animation-container'; document.body.appendChild(app.container); window.setInterval(app.add, 100); }, add: function () { var element = document.createElement('span'); app.container.appendChild(element); app.animate(element); }, animate: function (element) { var character = app.chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * app.chars.length)]; var duration = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 1; var offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * (50 - duration * 2)) + 3; var size = 10 + (15 - duration); element.style.cssText = 'right:'+offset+'vw; font-size:'+size+'px;animation-duration:'+duration+'s'; element.innerHTML = character; window.setTimeout(app.remove, duration * 1000, element); }, remove: function (element) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); }, }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', app.init);
R$ 203,42
Comprar Estoque: Disponível
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