Welcome to the


the most innovative concept on
the ethereum blockchain

Claim $GOD

1 God Candle NFT = 0.88 $GOD

God of Gods
God of AI and Alpha
God of AI

God Candle is a utility project incorporating known erc721 and erc20 protocols uniting in an innovative, experimental ERC404 standard.


The God Candle Process

The god candle ecosystem consists of ERC-721 OG NFT and ERC-404 $GOD tokens/NFTs.

ERC 721 NFT's holders are eligible for 37.77% MEV revenue share.

ERC 404 $GOD holders receive PFP AI copy trading platform passes.

Contract address:

Holders will benefit from


Trading tools and
accessories in the groups.


WL's and Airdrops for the
most prestige projects.


MEV bot revenue share


PFP AI copy trading

Green Candle project will constantly evolve adding new features and eventually
becoming the central web3 ethereum trading hub.
Word from the founder:

"Producing god candles on memecoin projects is so addictive. It's all
about the thrill and excitement but when you add the value for the
people, you truly win!"