"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of
deception pitted against perception."
Warren Celli, Publisher of Box the Fox
Deception is the strongest political force on the planet.
Terminology in this article is based on the Deceptionology Thesis
This one is for all of the kids in the world, of every color...

The chaos of deception is the driving force of renewed interest in the improvement of human morality.

BoxtheFox™ Supports Occupy Wall Street!
With one
clear vision:
Occupy the Morality To Eliminate AGC!

Major Goals...
Reclaim, Revise & Rebuild The Electoral Process
(Direct Democracy with hand counted paper ballots!)
2. Reclaim, Revise & Rebuild The Media
(Citizen control of all public media channels)
3. Reclaim, Revise & Rebuild The FED
(Utility money and EQUAL bail out for all!)
4. Reclaim, Revise & Rebuild The Corporate Structure
(Proportional democratic citizen
5. Equal access government with democratically determined Greed Limits!

To seek remedy from the rapist is folly, they care not a twit about the wrongs that they have just so knowingly and willfully committed. The chicken does not beseech the fox for justice. The fly does not ask the spider to release him from the web. What is so difficult to understand here? One might just as well ask the sun to rise in the west, streams to flow up hill or pigs to fly. Do not hold your breath waiting for the results.

When you live a life of service to others you live a life of service to self.
Balance Seekers...

Fountain Of Baloney™
Empire Burlesque
Narco News
Black Agenda Report
Antifascist Calling
Naked Capitalism
William Blum/Killing Hope
Of Two Minds
The Oil Drum
Corp Watch
The Market Ticker™
Lenin's Tomb
Global Research
Common Dreams
Andy Worthington
Information Clearinghouse
Zero Hedge
China Financial Markets
Monetary Sovereignty-Mitchell
Organized Rage
Washington's Blog

A Major Breakthrough In Epidemiology...
'Non Infectious' Disease Is Spread Electronically — At The Speed Of Light...
Xtrevilism Is Now Pandemic...

A Major Propagation Pathway For The Spread Of Xtrevilism
(Click on illustration for a larger view)
Full Definition of PANDEMIC:  an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population : a pandemic outbreak of a disease

Read the entire article here...

Past Articles Below: Click on text or image for link...

January 2014

China — Enveloped By Xtrevilism!
October 2013

Educational Inbredculturation — A Tiny Jivey League Clique Enables Global Xtrevilism...
July 2013

Just As Those In Power Write The History Books — Those In Power Also Write The Manuals Of Psychological Disorders...
April 2013

If You Want Your Kids To Grow Up To Be Like The President Of The United States Of America — Then Get Them DroneGod!™
November 2012

Xtrēvilism vs Fairism — Its a
global struggle for control of morality — its a struggle for your future...

October 2012

Archive Of Past Articles

<1% vs 99%


E•vil•ism  a : Evilism is a disease of the mind that affects one's morality and causes aberrant, antisocial, destructive evil behavior b :the predominant form of behavior of duplicitous people in power c : extensive practice of evil

X•trē•vil•ism 1 a : extreme Evilism; an insideous mutation of the disease of Evilism that causes extreme moral depravity resulting in extremely aberrant, antisocial, duplicitous behaviors :  b : Xtrēvilism is a secretive system of extreme Evilism c : rule by self anointed elite mentally unstable sick pigs that practice use of the Noble Lie while posing as good and righteous citizens
2 a :
a system of society in which an extremely evil sick few, through propaganda and the corporate structure, incrementally change the morality of a society in order to create divisive debilitating conflict so as to rule over it in a two tier system of ruler and ruled b : a system that appeals to humans greed, vanity, selfishness, contentiousness, apathy and trust in others to divide them, thereby causing them great harm c : perniciously greedy and controlling
3 a :
a system in which the aberrant evil sick few; control, debilitate, and decimate the many, by pitting them one against the other

 Evilism is a parasitic form of old fashioned Vanilla Greed for Extraction, it is a milder form of cannibalization that sustains its host victim for future exploitation.

Xtrēvilism is a parasitic form of Pernicious Greed for Destruction, it is an extreme form of cannibalization that minimally sustains or destroys its host victim with no concern for future exploitation.

Gullibleism 1 a : Way too trusting :  b : Gullibleism is characterized by an acceptance of the status quo without question c : belief in trusting government without performing any personal oversight other than watching TV and dutifully voting every few years d: ASSumpto logic
2 a :
a system of society in which the many are conned and controlled by the few.
3 :
lacking in perception

Fairism a : a moral ideal, a societal framework, opposed to Xtrēvilism and Evilism b : one for all and all for one rule by direct democracy and fairness with moral sustainability

Profit a : profit is fair value given for fair value received as opposed to Xtrēvilism and Evilism which are instead lopsidedly parasitic and destructive

Process Decoys*
(Concealing the deceptions in goodness.)
Process decoys are intentionally created and co-opted or hi-jacked abstract terms of process, many of which are initially of idealistic and well intentioned origin but no longer exist in that idealistic state. They are used to re-label and give cover to (to mask and conceal) corruption so as to confuse you, make you feel inferior, divert your attention, and misdirect your energies. In their totality, process decoys all work to tilt the playing field against you.
In the world of finance voo doo economics; capitalism, free markets, mortgage backed securities, credit default swaps, private property, futures contracts, inflation, deflation, stagflation, rehypothecation, etc., are all used as abstract process masking decoys. They are all favorites of the Noble Liars and their sell out media minions in Xtrēvilism used to mask their gangster activities.
Their victims (read you) spend billions of hours of their good time — long after their pockets have been emptied — in trying to give concrete meaning to them and understand them.
Real political analysis always follows the money and the power flow, not the process decoy deceptions.
Process decoys in street talk are known as "jargonized bullshit"!

The Goal...
 Xtrēvilism And Evilism!

Occupy Morality!

1. Reclaim & Revise!
Our Hijacked

Occupy Morality!
2. Reclaim & Revise!
The Hijacked
Electoral Process!

Occupy Morality!
3. Reclaim & Revise!
The Hijacked

Occupy Morality!
4. Reclaim & Revise!
The Hijacked Media!

Occupy Morality!
5. Reclaim & Revise!
Federal Reserve!

Occupy Morality!
6. Reclaim & Revise!
Corporate Structure!

Occupy Morality!
7. Reclaim & Revise!
Hijacked Commons!

Occupy Morality!
The Fraudsters!



 The 'Greed And Evil Are Good' meme must be replaced with the Sustainability is Better meme.
Warren Celli - Publisher of Box the Fox™


Stop endless debt!

Stop perpetual Wars!

Election Boycotts!
Jubilee The Constitution!

Create a Fair
rule of law.

1% Xtrēvilism!

Avoid Sorrow!
Don't Borrow!

Don't Fall Back!
Fight Back!
Debt and Austerity!

Its Not Capitalism!
Its Gangster Xtrevilism!

"We have eradicated Small Pox, and we are presently on the verge of eliminating Polio and Guinea-Worm Disease, we need to put the disease of Xtrēvilism on the top of the list!"
Warren Celli - Publisher of Box the Fox™

Parasite Finance...
Hooking you and your friends and neighbors on debt just the same as hooking on you dope!

Bankers Are Morally Sick
Aberrant Parasites!

Avoid Sorrow!
Don't Borrow!

STOP Xtrēvilism!

Stop Extra Judicial

Ban Drones!

People Suck!

Scamerica and America
There ARE two Americas now. One is America - the land of the 99% common people who have the real skills and do all the hard work, and the other is Scamerica, the land of the rich immoral aberrant gangster sick Xtrēvilism
parasitic corporate pigs who are stealing it all away!

In It
To Win IT!


Disclaimer: This web site is intended for thought provocation only and reflects the perceptions of the publisher. Nothing presented here is claimed to be absolute nor is it a recommendation for personal behavior. Viewers are solely responsible for their own perceptions and behaviors.
© WC&A 2011, 2012, 2013. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
BoxtheFox™ is a trademark of Warren Celli.