Riley Automation ltd
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Products for 2017

BF3 Linear Drive

The Award Winning BF3 Linear Drive Light Capacity Feeder is among the most comprehensive available.

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Automated Parts Handling Linear Vibratory Feeders

Riley Automation ltd

Riley Automation, established for over 50 years, designs and manufactures a comprehensive and diverse range of parts handling and linear vibratory systems.

Our innovative solutions are used in a wide variety of applications for food, pharmaceutical, confectionery, packaging, electrical, electronics, automotive and associated manufacturing and process industries.

From our purpose built head quarters in Derby we also manufacture under license from the FMC Corporation in the USA, a company whose Syntron® materials handling equipment is well known throughout the world.

As part of our ongoing commitment to quality, Riley provide customers with a comprehensive spares and aftersales service.







Riley Automation Limited 
Foresters Business Park 
Sinfin Lane, Derby DE23 8AG 
United Kingdom 
Tel: 01332 275850 
Fax: 01332 275855