Perfect widgets for your website: 
surveys, email opt-in forms, contact forms, 
popups, follow, share buttons and live chats 
— all in one place!


Quick and easy installation

Paste the code once

Paste the code once

Paste the GetSiteControl code into the code of your website. You need to do this only once.

Create widgets in your dashboard

Create widgets in your dashboard

Create, publish, edit or remove widgets without any changes to the code.

Publish widgets with a single click

Publish widgets with a single click

Create unlimited widgets for your website.

9 out of 10 visitors leave your site without taking actionChange that with GetSiteControl!

Subscribe widget

The Subscribe widget is a customizable opt-in form that will help you get more email subscribers. Easily create a custom popup, bar or button for your website, add custom images and adjust the colors to match your website design.

More newsletter subscribers

Build an email list and stay in touch with your customers and prospects.

Lead generation

Collect more leads through your website with a prominent email sign-up form and a clear call-to-action.

Preview widget

Contact widget

The Contact widget is a customizable contact form for your website and a great way to communicate with website visitors.
You can invite them to send you ideas and suggestions, ask questions, report problems or even place orders via the form. Make your visitors feel more comfortable by offering them an easy way to contact you, inquire about your services or place an order.

Better customer service

Provide your visitors with an easy way to contact you with questions and problems to increase customer trust for your company.

Gather customer feedback

Invite your website visitors to quickly and conveniently share feedback and suggestions to better understand their needs.

Preview widget

Promo widget

The Promo widget is a customizable website notification that tells your website visitors what page they should visit next.
The Promo widget comes handy whenever you need to show a notice or alert, promote a new campaign or product, draw your visitors’ attention to the most important content, share company events or news or just drive users directly to the purchase page. Create popups, bars, buttons or panels in 5 minutes!

Attention-grabbing alerts

Show notifications that can’t be missed and let your visitors know about new product launches, features and updates.

Higher conversion

Add a clear call-to-action to drive traffic to specific pages of your website and increase sign-ups, downloads or purchases.

Preview widget

Survey widget

Conducting an online survey is a great way to learn what you are doing right and where you can improve. Add the Survey widget to your website to get instant feedback on new product features, your marketing strategies or price policy.

Informed decisions

Use reliable survey data to better understand your customers’ needs and make informed business decisions.

Better customer service

Provide your visitors with an easy way to give feedback on products and services to increase customer trust for your company.

Preview widget

Follow widget

The versatile Follow widget lets you easily add social media 'Follow' buttons, 'Follow Us' bars or popups to your website.
Add custom images and adjust the colors to match your website design.
Create a unique Follow widget to grow your social media following.

Social media presence

Grow your social media following to establish a stronger brand and boost sales.

Gather customer feedback

Use social media to build a community, interact with your customers and receive valuable feedback.

Preview widget

Share widget

Use the versatile Share widget to create sharing buttons, bars or popups for your website. Make it easy for your website visitors to spread the word around by liking, sharing, retweeting and pinning your website content. Encourage your users to share your products on social media to increase traffic and brand awareness.

Increased traffic

Make your website content sharable to let your satisfied customers talk about your company and drive more traffic.

Free advertising

Your customers speaking about you on social media is free advertising. Let them spread the word around.

Preview widget

Chat widget

Add live chat to your website to talk to your website visitors in real-time. Help existing customers and prospects instantly solve issues and find answers to their questions to provide better customer service, increase engagement and sales.
NEW! Chat with your customers right from the Slack dashboard, desktop app or mobile app!

Instant feedback

Invite your website visitors to quickly and conveniently share feedback and suggestions to better understand their needs.

Better customer service

Answer questions from website visitors instantly to increase trust for your company and win more customers.

Preview widget

Use cases

Collect user feedback

Collect user feedback

Add a contact form to make it easy for your customers to leave comments. Encourage them to leave feedback on your products and services and send you suggestions on how they can be improved.

Add an exit survey to your website

Add an exit survey to your website

Want to know why visitors leave your website without converting? Use an exit survey to find that out. It will help you quickly make adjustments to reduce your bounce rate and increase conversions.

Announce sales and discounts

Announce sales and discounts

Easily add notifications about the latest discounts and sales to your website to draw your visitors’ attention to them and increase conversions.

Add Share buttons to your website

Add Share buttons to your website

Easily add sharing functionality to your website or blog. Let your website visitors spread the word about your website on social media and get you more traffic.

Let site visitors rate your services

Let site visitors rate your services

Want to get instant feedback on what visitors think about your company, products, services or website? A star rating type of survey is an easy way to get the information.

Create an exit intent opt-in popup

Create an exit intent opt-in popup

Create an opt-in form that will invite your website visitors to subscribe when they are about to leave. GetSiteControl will display the widget just before they close the site.


Exit popups

Lower your site’s bounce rate and increase time on-site by showing a custom message to the visitors leaving your website.


Target visitors by country, device, browser, OS, traffic source, IP or UTM parameters, target new or returning visitors. Show widgets on selected pages only.

Smart triggers

Have full control over your widget's behavior, choose to start and stop widgets based on scrolling, after a set amount of time, on a certain date or day of the week.

Custom images

Add custom images to create unique professionally-looking website widgets. Choose an image from our extensive gallery or upload your own.


Bars, popups, buttons or panels - you choose how your widgets will look like. Add custom images, choose colors, fonts and animations.


Create custom messages that will be automatically sent to those who have subscribed to your newsletter, completed a survey or used your contact form.

Mobile responsive

Responsive widgets adapt to the screen size of mobile devices and feature big touch-friendly calls-to-action and clear design for a great mobile user experience.

A/B testing

Create several versions of the same widget and let your website visitors determine the winner to find out what colors, layout, texts and call-to-actions work best.

Real-time statistics

See how your widgets perform with real-time statistics, easy-to-read graphs, downloadable reports and a clickmap showing where your visitors come from.

Easy to install on any website


What people say about GetSiteControl

Website I'm a fan of today: @GetSiteControl 👍

Easy-to-add layer of targeted notifications and promos. #webdev #UserExperience

— Mark Praschan (@MarkPraschan) March 7, 2017

Did you use @GetSiteControl - the most powerful widget management tool? Especially useful for marketers!

— Dong Nguyen (@ndaidong) January 20, 2017

Cool stuff. I like All these #gems I've been finding lately! @GetSiteControl #widgets #webstuff

— Nas (@nas_h99) January 18, 2017

Awesome! @GetSiteControl You've added 8 customers in the past month! 🔥🔥

— Siftery-Insights (@sifteryinsights) January 14, 2017

@GetSiteControl I'm very impressed with how far your platform has advanced in the last year. Amazed by the features and small details. 🚀

— Nicholas Scalice (@nscalice) November 28, 2016

I shared GetSiteControl with a client tonight and she was amazed. This made me realize you just might need it...

— Carolyn Witt (@ursecretweapon) November 20, 2016

Have you checked out Getsitecontrol?

I'm always recommending GetSiteControl it in my presentations to...

— Kon Iatrou (@KonIatrou) May 31, 2016

Trying out GetSiteControl on our website, am impressed by the simplicity! #marketingautomation #conversionmarketing

— Rudi Janssens (@RuuDii) April 21, 2016

My lucky day 😄 found fantastic and useful widgets in #getsitecontrol Take a look at

— Monika Robertsson (@Monelirob) November 26, 2015