~!# Hacked by MR.N@33m #!~

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[!] Greetz  ! B14CK_EyE ~ SQ1_EyE ~ D@rk_H1s@n ~ MR.N@33m ~ Mr_THund3r ~ And U ~ And All Muslim Hackers [!]
~¤We Are Bangladeshi Hacker¤~

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Assalam Alaikum !
Hey Admin! Don't Worry Your DataBase Is 100% Safe... :v
Hello Muslim hacker is awake, you are sleeping in your eyes, Burma is killing thousands of Muslim
Rohingya people.There is a range of what goes out of the gun, but there is no range of protest
against the cyber attack. This is one way of creating pressure on the international press.
Like jihad, Want to fight jihad <