Vegan Banana French Toast – Happy 150th Birthday Canada!!

Photo Credit: davebloggs007 Flickr via Compfight ccWhen thinking of something special to make for this celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday I came across Vegan Banana French Toast. I would like to thank one of my new Twitter followers, @VegLatino for this week’s post. This is a very simple recipe for a favourite breakfast choice of mine. This is nut-free as well. The combination of flavours when plated and eaten are tantalizing!!Ingredients:Bread dip6 slices day old thickly cut sourdough bread […]

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My heart will go on and so will the cooking

As I write this final post for my ECMP 355 course I am becoming quite sad. I truly enjoyed this class for a few reasons: there was a great teacher, the subject area was of great interest and use to me, and finally that I got to take time to learn something I have learned … Continue reading My heart will go on and so will the cooking

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Learning Together

What I loved most about this class was the emphasis on connecting with others online whether it was helping them learn, learning from them, or giving individuals credit for their awesome Twitter finds or well-written blogs. I contributed to the learning of others through three different social media pages: Google + WordPress Twitter Sharing resources,… Continue reading Learning Together

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